Day 44 of being a cancer survivor

rib4Last week Friday, Mrs. VS had one of the two drains removed.  Suddenly over the weekend the remaining drain dropped to less than half it’s normal output.  Concerned, she set up an appointment with Dr. D.  The second drain came out yesterday.  The reason the output decreased so drastically was that the tubing had clogged inside the chest cavity. (editor’s note: yuck!).

Mrs. VS is supposed to keep an eye on the area of the removed breast.  She goes back to Dr. D. on Friday, unless the area becomes “squishy”, then she goes back sooner.  Friday Dr. D will determine whether the drain needs to reinserted or not.  So we’re still in a holding pattern.

Regardless of the outcome of the drain.  Mrs. VS will not be starting chemo until after March 14th.   March 14th is the day she needs to take a professional exam necessary for her to keep her employment.  Mrs. VS does not want decreased stamina resulting from chemo to be a determining factor in the outcome of the exam.

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